We give the opportunity to authors of accepted papers to submit an artifact establishing the reproducibility of the computational results described in their paper.
The objective of Artifact Evaluation (AE) is to reward efforts made by researchers to allow others to replicate their experiments. The AE enables to reproduce results, which helps researchers to build on top of each other's work and to compare results in a fair manner. The AE reviewers do not evaluate the correctness of the experimental results obtained using the artifact, only that these results can be reproduced.
The reviewing process is single-blind. Reviewers should be able to evaluate submitted artifacts using regular computing resources. Please feel free to contact the AE chair if you would like to submit an artifact for which this is not possible.
Submitted artifacts will be awarded badges as described in the ACM policy. See the program or accepted papers for papers with awarded badges.
Specify the following fields:
A nice HOWTO for preparing an artifact evaluation package is available online at http://bit.ly/HOWTO-AEC.
To submit an artifact, use the easychair submission website.
Here is a list of useful links related to artifact evaluation in other computer science research communities:
For any questions, concerns or comments, please contact the chair: ae-rtns2018@ensma.fr.